Oggi, 21 novembre, siamo in trepida attesa di scoprire quali sorprese ci riserverà Aston Martin Vantage. Nel frattempo riviviamo i preziosi momenti vissuti insieme alla magnifica DB11 al Principe di Savoia. Un cocktail party raffinato ed elegante.
A fare gli onori di casa accanto ad Aston Martin, era presente anche Good Style Magazine. Ogni dettaglio era curato con la massima attenzione, squisite e pregiate candele scintillavano sui tavoli finemente apparecchiati (Jewel Candle).
Today, the 21th March, we are anxiously waiting to discover what surprisesAston Martin Vantage has reserved for us from Aston Martin Vantage. Meanwhile we relive the precious moments lived with the breathtaking DB11 at Principe di Savoia. A refined and elegant cocktail party. To do the honors alongside Aston Martin was also present Good Style Magazine. Every detail was attended with the utmost attention, exquisite and fine candles twinkled on the beautifully laid tables (Jewel Candle).
www.astonmartin.com – www.facebook.com/astonmartin/ – www.goodstylemag.com – www.goodstylemag.com – www.facebook.com/dolcissimame.it/