Luxury Bridal Experience a Palazzo Visconti

17 Aprile, 2023 Published in Fashion

Palazzo Visconti è stata la magnifica cornice di un elegante ed esclusivo evento dedicato al wedding. Il tanto sognato giorno del sì è reso speciale dalla creatività, dal gusto e dalla sapienza di abili professionisti che mettono le loro conoscenze, la loro esperienza e la loro bravura a disposizione dei futuri sposi. Ogni dettaglio serve a rendere speciale un matrimoni, dalla scelta della location a quella dell’abito, dalla predisposizione della tavola a quella della logistica. Creare il matrimonio dei sogni è frutto del  lavoro di squadra di persone qualificate che sanno esaudire i nostri desideri e tramutarli il realtà. Nella giornata di giovedì lo splendido palazzo ha ospitato una tavola rotonda, coordinata da Diana Da Ros, International Weddings & Event planner. Valeria Orlando, founder of VOR make-up, International Beauty director, global image consultant, fashion/wedding celebrity make-up artist and hairstylist, ci ha spiegato il suo concetto di bellezza e come riesce ad esaltare la bellezza peculiare di ogni donna, risaltandone animo e personalità. Fabio Musetti, managing director and co-founder Excellent Ambassador Ltd corporate and leisure travel management and concierge services, ci ha raccontato il mondo della personalizzazione dei servizi; Massimo Basile, founder of Publishing group MB Media group, editor and director of Celebre Magazine World, Luxury Investment Magazine, Rinascimento Magazine, ci ha parlato del concetto attuale di lusso. Giorgia Fantin Borghi, Wedding Planner and Luxury Table styling and design specialist, ha regalato in modo conciso, ma molto efficace e intrigante alcune chicche sulla preparazione della tavola e Henriette Van Marle, founder and designer HMA decor, embroidered table linens, bespoke design & production, ci ha parlato delle stoffe da usare sulle nostre tavole da cerimonia.

La sera è stato organizzato un Bridal Fashion show che ci ha mostrato alcune creazioni degli atelier Dominiss, Yedyna e Symphony. Dopo l’esibizione canora del cantante Vahan la serata è proseguita con un private party.

Palazzo Visconti was the magnificent setting for an elegant and exclusive event dedicated to weddings. The long-dreamed wedding day is made special by the creativity, taste and wisdom of skilled professionals who put their knowledge, their experience and their skill at the disposal of future spouses. Every detail serves to make a wedding special, from the choice of location to that of the dress, from the preparation of the table to the logistics. Creating the dream wedding is the result of the teamwork of qualified people who know how to fulfill our desires and turn them into reality. On Thursday, the beautiful building hosted a round table, coordinated by Diana Da Ros, International Weddings & Event planner. Valeria Orlando, founder of VOR make-up, International Beauty director, global image consultant, fashion/wedding celebrity make-up artist and hairstylist, explained her concept of beauty and how she manages to enhance the peculiar beauty of every woman, highlighting her soul and personality. Fabio Musetti, managing director and co-founder Excellent Ambassador Ltd corporate and leisure travel management and concierge services, told us about the world of personalization of services; Massimo Basile, founder of Publishing group MB Media group, editor and director of Celebre Magazine World, Luxury Investment Magazine, Rinascimento Magazine, talked to us about the current concept of luxury. Giorgia Fantin Borghi, Wedding Planner and Luxury Table styling and design specialist, gave in a concise, but very effective and intriguing way some goodies on table preparation and Henriette Van Marle, founder and designer HMA decor, embroidered table linens, bespoke design & production, told us about the fabrics to be used on our ceremonial tables. In the evening a Bridal Fashion show was organized to showus some creations from the Dominiss, Yedyna and Symphony ateliers. After the singing performance of the singer Vahan, the evening continued with a private party.

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