Exhibition[niste] II

14 Luglio, 2022 Published in Events | Fashion

Libertà e creatività contraddistinguono da sempre le sorprendenti e ammiratissime mostre allestite al Grimaldi Forum di Montecarlo. Questa volta Olivier Gabet ha voluto reinterpretare in chiave gioiosa e travolgente il talentuoso e geniale designer Christian Louboutin, molto legato a Montecarlo e curatore stesso della mostra. Il principato rappresenta infatti il luogo di incontro per coloro che amano la bellezza e il lusso. La prima ad entrare nella sua boutique di jean-jacques rousseau street nel 1991 fu Sua Altezza DiSerene la principessa Carolina di Monaco.

Le sue meravigliose scarpe fanno da sempre sognare le donne di tutto il mondo. Cuore della mostra la sala «Museo immaginario» che riunisce elementi della raccolta personale e del patrimonio di Christian Louboutin, nonché pezzi artistici presi in prestito da collezioni pubbliche e private.

Tra i pezzi eccezionali presenti, prestati per l’occasione dal Nouveau Musée National deMonaco, il copricapo indossato da JosephineBaker nel 1974 e disegnato da André Levasseur  e la scenografia realizzata nel 1926 dal pittore André Derain per il set del balletto «Jack in the box» di Serge Diaghilev. Vi si possono ammirare anche diverse collaborazioni che Christian Louboutin fece con diversi artisti.

Un viaggio emozionale nello splendido mondo del designer che attinge ispirazione dal cinema, dallo sport, dalla musica, perché la bellezza può trovarsi ovunque. Dalle opere di Andy Warhol, ai gatti egiziani del Luxor Theatre, dalle piume delle Folies Bergères al cilindro di Marlene Dietrich, dalla Torre Eiffel a luoghi dell’Asia o dell’Africa.

Entrando nella mostra, i visitatori sono attratti da un cartello che compariva al Palaisde la Porte Dorée e che vieta ai visitatori di indossare i tacchi. Il giovane Louboutin ne rimaste affascinato e fu fonte d’ispirazione ispirazione per la scarpa Pigalle.

Freedom and creativity have always distinguished the surprising and admired exhibitions set up at the Grimaldi Forum in Montecarlo. This time Olivier Gabet wanted to reinterpret in a joyful and overwhelming way the talented and brilliant designer Christian Louboutin, curator of the exhibition; Monte Carlo is a very special place for him. monaco is in fact the place for those who love beauty and luxury. The first to enter in the Louboutin boutique on jean-jacques rousseau street in 1991 was Her Highness DiSerene Princess Caroline of Monaco. His wonderful shoes have always made women all over the world dream. The heart of the exhibition is the “Imaginary Museum” room, which brings together elements from Christian Louboutin’s personal collection and heritage, as well as artistic pieces borrowed from public and private collections. Among the exceptional pieces present, lent for the occasion by the Nouveau Musée National deMonaco, the headdress worn by JosephineBaker in 1974 and designed by André Levasseur and the scenography created in 1926 by the painter André Derain for the set of the ballet “Jack in the box” by Serge Diaghilev. In the exhibition we can also admire several collaborations that Christian Louboutin made with different artists. An emotional journey into the beautiful world of the designer who draws inspiration from cinema, sport, music, because beauty can be found everywhere. For example from the works of Andy Warhol to the Egyptian cats of the Luxor Theatre, from the feathers of the Folies Bergères to the Marlene Dietrich cylinder, from the Eiffel Tower to places in Asia or Africa. Upon entering the exhibition, visitors are attracted by a sign that appeared at the Palaisde la Porte Dorée and forbade visitors to wear heels. The young Louboutin was fascinated by it and was the inspiration for the Pigalle shoe.

Photo credits: Sylvie Biancheri and Christian Louboutin © Courtesy of Jean-Vincent Simonet for Christian Louboutin; Information panel and crucial drawing at the origin of Christian Louboutin’s vocation – © Christian Louboutin @Christian Louboutin; Early years room, Exhibition view CL L’Exhibition[niste], PPD © Marc Domage (11); Bhutaneese Theatre, Exhibition view CL L’Exhibition[niste], PPD © Marc Domage (2); Pop Corridor, Exhibition view CL L’Exhibition[niste], PPD © Marc Domage (1); Portrait of Christian Louboutin in Monaco © Courtesy of Christian Louboutin; Olivier Gabet et Christian Louboutin © Christian Louboutin; Christian Louboutin still life – © Jean-Vincent Simonet; Pensée shoes and photo of H.S.H. Princess Caroline of Monaco by Andy Warhol © Jean-Vincent Simonet; Sketch of Pensée shoe and first red sole – © Courtesy of Christian Louboutin; H.S.H. Princess Caroline of Monaco at the Bal de la Rose in 1995 Rights reserved


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