The Minimalist Fashion by Maryling – SS2018

23 Settembre, 2017 Published in Fashion

Disegnare un abito è considerata una forma d’arte, come dipingere una tela o plasmare la creta, il marmo, il bronzo. Così talvolta la moda s’ispira ad essa e ne crea contaminazioni. Maryling attinge ai lavori grafici di Ellsworth, Jean Degottex e Lucio Fontana creando capi in cui i colori e le forme dialogano tra loro in un’eleganza chic e sussurrata e dalle atmosfere anni Sessanta.

Draw a dress is considered a form of art, like painting a canvas or shaping the clay, marble or bronze. So sometimes the fashion inspired by art and create contamination. Maryling draws on graphic works by Ellsworth, Jean Degottex and Lucio Fontana creating garments in which the colors and shapes interact with each other in a chic elegance whispered by the1 960s. –