Paola Lenti at MYS2018

3 Ottobre, 2018 Published in Art & Design | Motors, Yachts and Airplanes

Il Monaco Yacht show è una prestigiosa vetrina che racchiude preziosi complementi d’arredo e d’interior design che rendono lo yachting ancora più accattivante ed esclusivo. Tra questi spicca la bellezza dell’arredo indoor and outdoor di Paola Lenti che, tra le altre cose, ha impreziosito l’Upper Deck Lounge, la sua Vip Lounge e la terrazza del ristorante della Parvis Piscine. Colori tenui che richiamano le sfumature del mare, decori lussuosi, stoffe pregiate e design creativamente raffinato ed elegante catturano lo sguardo e affascinano. Paola Lenti rinnova con grande soddisfazione la partnership con Sabrina Montecarlo, distributore ufficiale del brand nel Principato.

The Monaco Yacht show is a prestigious showcase that contains precious furnishings and interior design that make sailing more appealing and enchanting. Among these stand out the beauty of thePaola Lenti’s furniture for indoor and outdoor which, among other things, has embellished the Upper Deck Lounge, its Vip Lounge and the terrace of the restaurant of the Parvis Piscine. Soft colors that recall the hues of the sea, luxurious decorations, rich fabrics and a creatively elegant design capture the look and captivate. Paola Lenti renews with great satisfaction the partnership with Sabrina Montecarlo, the official distributor of the brand in the Principality.

My outfit by Joseph Ribkoff, thanks to Dorian Corporation

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